Patient Participation Group

Become a member of Patient Participation Group
By Edmund Arnold

Along with more than 50% of general practices in England, we have a Patient Participation Group. This group is made up of volunteer patients and staff of the practice. The group meets every quarter for about an hour.

Non-urgent advice: Aims:

Help the practice to respond to the needs and wishes of patients and agree expectations of both patients and clinicians.

Work to improve communication between the practice and its patients.

Help in urging patients to take responsibility for their own health.

Be instrumental in building a relationship between the practice and patients that breaks down barriers and shares information.

Provide practical support and help to implement changes.

Offer to the practice the time, experience and expertise of volunteers.

Become involved in the wider network of city-wide Patient Participation Groups.

Conduct surveys of patient opinions from time to time.

The group urgently needs more volunteer members in order to more widely represent the views of all patients in the practice. Contact the practice to join the group, alternatively complete the form below to sign up.

PPG Meeting Dates: 

  • TBC

The Minutes of our Patient Group are available to view on theĀ PPG Minutes Page.